Saturday, 19 September 2009

Flat Dinners

Dearest friends,

I know you are very concerned about how I am getting my food and all that good stuff, but don't worry because I've been eating healthy (in amount and nutrition). I'm cool.

But one of the ways we make dinners more affordable are having flat dinners, although they usually end up being with a lot more people than my flat.

We've set up a system in Flat 10 with my 5 roommates that Monday nights, one of us picks a meal and cooks it, while the rest of the nights we kind of buddy up with whoever is around and split dinner. But Monday's are the days when everyone's around so we cook together. The first Monday was a delicious stew (didn't start out planned that way, but it ended up like that). That was Mike Burke's dinner, although that dinner was the inspiration for the Monday night tradition, so his didn't live up to Mike's full creative and cooking potential. Steve put dib's on the next Monday and made his "Breakfast For Dinner" meal. It included Starberry-Banana Pancakes, Ham and Cheese Eggs, Potatoes, and bacon. That was sweet. Good times all around.

Aside from Monday nights, we try and buddy up with other girls rooms as frequent as possible because dinner just ends up tasting better that way.

Here are some pictures from some of the photo worthy dinners we've had:
Strawberry Banana Pancakes
Jesse and Steve Chillin
Scott Flipping cakes
Mike frying
My roommates

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